And now- for the sandwich components.
Two slices of good, thick whole wheat bread, toasted (by the way- if you're ever at a farmer's market that sells bread from the Rustic Loaf, buy it. Then kiss me)
1 heirloom tomato, sliced
2 pieces of morning star 'bacon', cooked in a skillet
3 slices butter lettuce
1/2 avocado, sliced
mayonnaise, 1 tbls
dijon mustard, 1 tbls
salt and pepper
Toast the bread, then spread mayo and mustard on nice and thick. Put the avocado slices on and squish them into the bread a little, on the other half of the bread, add the lettuce. Top with the tomato slices and bacon, then sprinkle with a little salt and pepper. Close it up, slice it, and wish you made 5 more.
If you want to make it a little extra special- you can add basil mayo and skip the mustard. For basil mayo, take 2 tbls mayo, three basil leaves, salt and pepper. mix in a blender and spread on the sandwich. Then lick the knife. Don't cut your tongue. You're welcome for that advice also. That will be another $50.
Now eat!